Ossi, celebrating victory, at the dog park!
We did it! We passed Level 1 doggie class. Ossi has got great skills! I guess the stars lined up just right and the temperature was perfect and he had just enough to eat and just enough exercise and we had just the right treat combo because he passed!! He sat while the training assistant greeted him, no jumping! He paid attention to both B-Dawg and L-Dawg for five seconds when we said his name and he sat for nearly the entire hour without pulling on his leash. Wow. Now we're nervous about Level 2. Is he ready? Will his mad skills pale in comparison to the well-behaved dogs already acing Level 2? I guess we'll find out. We're very proud of our guy, especially since after last week we were ready to give up!
It was, however, a tiny bit disappointing since we didn't even get a diploma or anything. Geez. There were some serious treats and clicking happening, I think that deserves a certificate. Or at least a free pass to sniff the rear ends of the other dogs in the class.

Ossi, showing off some of his
other skills...or just putting up
with a silly pose his dopey
humans put him in