This is Ossi, snoozing away after his very busy weekend. When B-Dawg is away, L-Dawg and Ossi will play.
Saturday we visited the Richfield Farmer's Market and took a long walk around the park. Ossi snuck a quick dip into the pond, but dried off in time for the visitors of the Farmer's Market to admire how cute he is. Sunday, Ossi visited G-Paw Jimbo and G-Maw Susie and everyone took a group field trip to the Fridley dog park. Ossi met lots of new friends, notably Doug the Dog and Petey the little dog, but it was Rocco the Whippet/Sheltie mix that made the biggest impression. Rocco came in and took off like a shot with Ossi and Doug chasing him until they all practically collapsed. After Oss came home, he was one pooped out pup.
This week he got to play with his friend Adine, meet his new friend Pam, he'll get to meet Karin and Jon and Michelle are bringing Tucker over for a play date. Busy dog, busy week!