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Thor, guarding "his" water bowl and taking a breakThe weather has been beautiful around here and Ossi healed up quickly so he got to have a playdate with his buddy Thor, the Great Pyranees from down the street. The boys LOVE to play together, even though Ossi weighs 39 lbs and Thor weighs 130 lbs. Thor is kind of a big marshmallow and lets Ossi pick on him. Whatever. At the end of the playdate, they're both happy and tired...and Ossi needs a sponge bath to clean the Thor drool off his back. Here's to good friends!
Thor and Ossi, taking a break to smile for the camera
Follow The Leader--Ossi's way
Pre-Vet Visit
Post-Vet VisitLast night we decided to take an impromptu trip to the Eden Prairie dog park (the closest fenced in, off-leash park). We haven't been there for quite awhile because something about that particular dog park makes Ossi very hyper. He LOVES to play at the Fridley dog park and is pretty mellow there, but he gets overstimulated at Eden Prairie. When we got there, there were a few little dogs there and Ossi mainly ignored them. Then a big, furry, black Newfoundland named Bella (?) Belle(?) showed up. Ossi head butted her a few times to get her to run so he could chase her. She wasn't buying. They ignored each other for awhile. Ossi head butted her again, no sale. Then a Husky puppy named Timber showed up and all the dogs ran to sniff/greet him. There was a scuffle that turned into a fight and Ossi was on the losing end of a snarly Newfoundland--who weighed 120 lbs. B-Dawg broke up the group and said, "Ossi is bleeding!" Then Timber the puppy's owners said, "Timber is teething and has been losing teeth. I think the blood came from him." That seemed to be the case. No harm, no foul. We decided to call it a night and load up a slobbered on Ossi into the car. As L-Dawg was cleaning Ossi up at home, she noticed that he really *was* bleeding and that big, dumb Newfoundland dog had punctured him. As you can see above, it's a nasty looking thing, but he's fine. The vet checked him out, cleaned out the wound, gave him some antibiotics and sent us on our way. So, for the next two weeks Ossi gets "special treats" of cheese-wrapped pills. Yummmmmmm. And that is why we are no longer going to visit the Eden Prairie dog park. Make sure to send Ossi your get-well-soon vibes.