Look what Ossi got for Christmas--everything he never wanted. On the left is a very wary and sleepy Ossi. On the right is the Dawg house's new foster cat Gimli.
After 1/2 hour of exploring, Gimli showed Ossi who was boss when Ossi came in for a curious sniff. Only slightly worse for the wear, sporting a few claw marks in his nose, Ossi has since steered pretty clear of the cat. They are, however, learning to live with each other a bit more each day.
B-Dawg is a big "Lord of the Rings" fan which is why the cat's name is Gimli. When we picked the cat up, we were told it was a neutered male. Last night, the cat finally got comfortable enough to submit to a belly rub.
Here's a riddle for you: What has four legs, two ears, one tail and six kitty nipples? Whoops, that would be our GIRL cat Gimli.
We're hoping that soon our Ossi boy and our Gimli girl will be curled up together napping happily, but we also think that may not be on tap for this holiday season :)
Happy Howl-i-days!
Ossi (and Gimli too)