Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Nude Dude

As you can see, Ossi got a haircut today. He got the "Lab Shave" look and we are now calling him the Nude Dude. We forget how giant his head is until all his hair is shaved off. He's been strutting around waiting for one of his girlfriends to be outside to notice his handsome new 'do. Hopefully it won't pick up summer dust very easily and we'll be able to see any ticks before they burrow in.
Below is a picture of Ossi and his squirrel toy, Alf. We call him Alf because when we say, "Get the squirrel!" He races over to the bird feeder and looks for the *real* squirrel that hangs out there a little too often. Alf is his favorite toy ever. He's full of dirt, is stinky (not unlike a real squirrel) and Ossi likes to grab him and shake him until he's "dead". Better Alf than the real bird feeder squirrel. L-Dawg is pretty sure she couldn't handle that.

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