"Curious O" is what we call
this look...when he's curious
about something, Ossi gives the
head tilt
P.S. Doesn't he look handsome in
his new collar?!?
These past two days have been big days for Ossi. Last night was the first time we left him in his crate alone while we were out for more than an hour. He did great! No crying, no whining (at least that we know of) but BOY, was he excited when we got home. He was just happy to be near "his people" for the rest of the night. He even gave B-Dawg a puppy hug, which was the cutest thing *ever*!
He had his first visitors today. Doggie G-Paw Jimbo and Doggie G-Maw Susie stopped by with Great Doggie G-Maw Frannie! He was very well behaved and very, very excited to meet and love everyone. He even "performed" a little and stuck his head in his Intelli-cube toy to get his bone, walking around with the cube on his head for a minute. That one's a classic. Always kills 'em.
Then Ossi got a loooong walk in the slush at Nine Mile Creek. Along the trail, he saw a little boy making a snowball (more like a slush ball) with his dad and Ossi had to investigate. He said HI a few times (much to the little boy's delight) and was on his way because there were places to be and things to sniff. He was soaking wet, but happy and he had quite a nap when we came home, as you can see.

A slightly irritated
Ossi wondering why I
can't just let him nap.
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