Ossi's Christmas present from Doggie G-Maw Susie...
an Ossi-sized blanket!
Ossi has officially made it through his first Christmas at the B-Dawg/L-Dawg household. We all made a road trip up north to visit the fam and he did very well in the car, although he wasn't a big fan of his doggie seatbelt.
He was great in the hotel, only barked once Christmas morning to let us know he was still there and that he had to go O-U-T! And, in addition to his new Ossi-sized blanket (which he loves) he also got doggie treats wrapped up like sausage links from Great Aunt Winnie and Lenny the Hippo from B-Dawg and L-Dawg. Lenny got his new hippo name because it turns out Ossi kind of digs on Lenny Kravitz, and now so does the hippo.
Now, not only is Ossi a celebri-dog in the Twin Cities, he's a big hit up north too! He met his cousin Angela and his cousin who's not really his cousin Betsy. He LOVES, LOVES, LOVES Angela because she took him on lots of walks and wore him out. He also met a new girlfriend in Angela's neighborhood, a small chocolate lab named Sophie. They played and played and Ossi pushed Sophie into a big, icy puddle of water. It must be love. Watch out Sugar!
Ossi also pretty much remembered his manners when meeting Great Doggie G-Maw 'Rene and Uncle Mikey and Auntie Ann. Except for when he stole Uncle Mikey's pack of gum. Fortunately, he was busted before he got through the wrapper.
Ossi hopes you had great holidays too and that you didn't get busted with gum. Merry Christmas everyone!