So...the meeting between Ossi and his little buddy Dylan didn't necessarily go so hot. Apparently there was a little "boot in the nose" incident that may or may not have cause Ossi to decide to show Dylan who was boss. There was a little nipping at and some growling but no one lost an eye so we'll try again another time. Ossi did, however, step on the window button in L-Dawg's car on the way and close his own head in the open window. There's a little bit of B-Dawg in him after all. Ha!
Ossi starts doggie training class this week and B-Dawg has been trying to give him "hints" in advance of the class so he'll have a leg up (no "doggie pee" pun intended) on the competition. We switched to new dog food because he was *not* a fan of the first stuff we tried. We did a day of half-old/half-new to "transition" him, but I guess that wasn't enough because on the way back from his two-mile walk at Nine Mile Creek he barfed in the car. Then he decided it was a good idea to lick the windows from top to bottom and "clean" them to make up for "un-cleaning" the seat. So, Ossi was one pooped out puppy with a tummy ache today. And to add insult to injury, he decided to hop into Nine Mile Creek instead of drink out of it so he was Ossi on ice too. All that together added up to this...
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