Our first Level 2 dog class was this week and Ossi showed off some of the talent that helped him graduate out of Level 1. Okay...sort of. He is a pretty consistent sitter and, as long as we score a corner spot in class, he does okay not being too distracted by other dogs. He did get to be the star of the show when the instructer asked for a demonstration dog by saying, "Does anyone have a dog that pulls on his leash all the time?" To which B-Dawg promptly answered, "This one!" And, true to form, Ossi dazzled the class with his leash pulling skills. Gee. We're. So. Proud. Also, one of the skills needed to pass Level 2 is for a dog to come when called. As soon as the instructor lined us up to let the dog go and come when we called I looked at B-Dawg and said, "There's no way he's going to come to us!" and B-Dawg said, "Oh NO WAY." But he did. Of course...we were about 10 feet away, both down on our knees and both calling him in our highest pitched doggie voices. Whatever. He didn't pee on the floor or sniff another dog's butt so we were pretty happy.
Also, we discovered that Ossi is playful with other dogs, but does not seem to understand that rabbits are not other dogs. There was a tussle in the backyard the other night and there was rabbit fur *everywhere*!! Fortunately, it was just fur and no rabbit ears or feet, but B-Dawg kept saying, "Yeah! He's my killa!!" Not really. More accurate would have been, "Yeah! He's my confused dog who thought he had a really great new squeaky toy!" or "Yeah! He's my crazy Corgi/Lab who thought that rabbit needed a haircut."
Ossi showing off his new-found skill...SHAKE!
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