'Pig Nose' trying to get a treat from his Kong
Things We Have Discovered About Ossi During His First Five Months
- Shredded cheese sprinkled over his food
- Taking walks, no matter what the weather
- Visiting his neighborhood friends Lucy and Thor
- Chasing backyard squirrels
- Treats in the Kong (as you can see above)
- Getting brushed
- Grapes, Tomatoes and meat of any kind
- Special, homemade Ossi Cookies
- Having visitors
- Playing in the backyard
- Drinking water from the clip on bowl in his crate
- Snoozing on his blanket
- Running around in the basement (good carpet traction)
-Picking apart his rope toy like it's a puzzle
- Attacking the giant exercise ball
- Falling asleep on B-Dawg's lap
-Belly rubs
- Ice cubes
- Two words...dog park
- Going visiting to G-Paw Jimbo's and G-Maw Susie's
- Listening to the radio when home alone
- His bed
-People who tell him he's so cute
- The paper shredder
- "The Grinch' slippers
- Having his nails clipped
- Taking a bath
- The oven at dinnertime (it makes scary noises)
- Cats
- Any invaders in the backyard
- Being told not to pull on his leash
- Being bored
- Rainy weather
- Spinach and grocery store pressed rawhide
- Slippery floors when he's trying to play
- Being ignored
-Same food in the old food bowl
- Water bowl in the kitchen...outside and crate bowls are much more fun apparently
- Having his ears cleaned
- The vacuum cleaner

Snoozing under the dining room table in his newly discovered 'Ossi Cave'

Our handsome boy
hanging out in the yard with
the last of the Minnesota snow
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