Ossi, taking a dip in the creek behind G-Paw Jimbo's and G-Maw Susie's house
It has been hot--very, very hot--here so we've had to find new ways to help Ossi beat the heat. As you can see above, he enjoys swimming and loved his time in the creek. Even though it wasn't really swimming because the water was so low he could walk all the way across. He would walk to the deepest part of the water, take a few drinks, and keep going to the opposite bank. It was like swimming in a giant water bowl! AND, since it is 95 degrees, Ossi dried off right away so no drippy, stinky, wet dog.

Ossi, in his cool hiding spot
Ossi has found that the bare, wood floors are a delightful place to lay when he's hot but he's been troubled because there's no soft spot to rest his head. Problem solved. His favorite new place to lay down is between the couch and the coffee table--he lays on the bare floor by the couch and sticks his head under the coffee table on the carpet. The effect from above looks like a sleepy, but headless, dog.

when push comes to shove, roll back your ears and pant, pant, pant!
Ossi says Stay Cool!