Ossi AFTER, waiting to be released from "upstairs"
With summer comes hot weather and with hot weather comes a new 'do for Ossi! The new groomer at Suds 'n Scissors suggested we shave him like a Lab...so that's what we did. He has been *SO* much cooler and is mighty appreciative now that the temperatures have soared into the 90s and 100s. Yikes! Actually, he doesn't much care for the hot weather. We take shorter walks now and even when he's outside he runs back to the patio door pretty quickly, begging to be let in.
However, if it's too hot for Ossi, odds are it's too hot for flies out there too. This has given rise to a new hobby...Ossi Miyagi's Fly Catching. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Karate_Kid (see "Quotes", in case you missed the reference)
It goes something like this:
A fly gets into the house
Ossi notices said fly and tracks it with "stealth"
When fly is buzzing around, banging against patio doors because it thinks it sees freedom Ossi
POUNCES, bouncing off the glass and leaving nose and paw prints on it.
8 times of out 10, Ossi kills the fly and either loses interest or eats it (gross, I know)
There you have it--Ossi Miyagi (just without the chopsticks)
Ossi is missing his new little friends Amya, Olivia and Elaina, but he is eternally thankful they visited for a few reasons.
Reason 1) They are close to the ground and frequently drop the food they are eating resulting in a delicious snack for Ossi.
Reason 2) Once they realized Ossi enjoys delicious snacks, they just started giving him things like potato chips and dog treats.
Reason 3) It helped him get used to being around kids.
In fact, since the girls visited, Ossi has been cuddled, petted, smooched and loved by groups of children from all over the neighborhood and the greater Twin Cities area and he seems to enjoy it! Now that's a big deal!!
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