Happy Birthday to Ossi--he's three! He got a clean bill of health from the vet at his yearly check up. He was vaguely disturbed by the shots (jumped off the table into L-Dawg's arms) but was MOST offended by them taking his temperature in his bum. How rude!
However, he recovered quickly and in the lobby met a new Corgi friend named Duncan. This is the first time we've seen Ossi interact with a Corgi (half of him). Duncan was stubbier (if you can believe it) and had even more of what we call "wombat butt" (a flat bum) but they got along swimmingly. AND, the best part of dog birthdays, Ossi got a stuffed squeaky squirrel named Alf. He loves it so much. He runs around with Alf outside, shaking him back and forth trying to "kill" him. Better Alf than a real squirrel from the bird feeder.
It's not a great picture, but
it's Ossi (wagging tail on right) and
his little girlfriend Molly the Weiner
Dog (wagging her head on left)
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