At 1:30 a.m. Monday, we heard barking from the resident watchdog. He usually only barks in the middle of the night if he hears a weird noise (i.e. once part of the fence fell down--he alerted us to this). B-Dawg went down to see what was wrong and Ossi wouldn't come out of his crate. Weird.
After awhile, he coaxed him out and got him to come upstairs where Ossi promptly hid under the bed. Weird--never done that before. After more coaxing and finally just pulling him out (dust bunnies and all) we got him to hop up in bed where he curled up by our heads and refused to move. Super weird. Ossi is NOT a cuddly dog.
In the morning, Ossi wasn't any better so we called the vet and they said to bring him in to have his "glands expressed". If you're not a dog person and don't know what this means, look it up. L-Dawg isn't going to explain's gross. At the vet, they found out that Ossi had "expressed" one of his glands on his own, but they had to do the other one. Problem solved, right?
The next day, Ossi was still not himself. No excited tail wags, just lethargic clinging. We started missing the old Ossi! Back to the vet where they poked and prodded and determined that he probably had sprained his tail. Wow--who knew? He got some deeeelicious pain medicine and, while he still can't roll over and is a little hesitan
A classic Ossi photo showcasing the ever-wagging tail
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