Eli, snoozing on his new blanky made especially for him by his G-Maw Susie.
Eli is fitting in quite nicely at the Dawg House. His favorite pastimes include:
-inhaling food from his bowl
-when left on his own indoors, collecting and surrounding himself with a pile of B-Dawg and L-Dawg's shoes
-playing chase and wrestling with Ossi on the couch and in the dirt outside
-barking (loudly) at passing motorcycles, trucks and trailers. He is joined in this (and probably egged on) by his buddy Ossi
-snuggling up with his people and laying his head in their laps
-chasing birds in the yard
-peanut butter in the Kong
He is going on his third week at "dog school". While the class size at the PetSmart training class is much smaller than Ossi's was at the Humane Society, Eli has been a star listener so the two little naughty dogs in the class--Howie and Chowder-- get all the attention. We feel Eli could use a bit more attention from the instructor, but it's tough when you're not a Yorkie with a bad attitude or a little Beagle puppy.
Ossi is loving having a pal and begs to go to bed every night because he's so tired from playing all the time. The boys hang out so nicely and, so far, have only argued over a treat or two and an outside toy.
Both boys enjoyed their Memorial Weekend visit from G-Paw Jimbo and G-Maw Susie and they're both excited about pal Tucker coming over to visit Friday night. L-Dawg, however--knowing that Tucker has just generally been exasperated by Ossi's relentless playing in the past--is unsure Tucker will enjoy his visit as much as Ossi and Eli enjoy chasing and harassing Tucker. Poor Tuck. He doesn't know what he's in for!
Eli says a big "Thank You" to G-Maw Susie for making him a blanket of his very own. He loves it.
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